Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help?

BOXX is included FREE with SMMR

7 Sessions with live interactive content and space for leaders to share with students! Use content we've created for SMMR within your own programming or join BigStuf live sessions.
If you are a SMMR registration holder, check your email for a promo code on June 1st.

7 Sessions with live interactive content and space for leaders to share with students! Use content we've created for SMMR within your own programming or join BigStuf live sessions. Also enjoy BigStuf session games you've come to know and love from our friends at Crowd Control Games.

Get in touch with the BigStuf leader relations team for more help.

Our job is to take care of the details, no matter what that looks like. We want to empower you to lead or allow you to rest and enjoy camp with your students.
